The Input component based on the
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | string, boolean | | Value set to InputComponent |
disabled | bool | false | If true, the component is disabled. |
validation | function | | After a change, this function can be used to check whether the value is correct. The inputs are (value, changedEver) , the return need to be this {error:false, errorMessage:''} |
ContainerComponent | node | 'div' | Passes these property to root component |
ContainerProps | object | | Passing props to the ContainerComponent |
label | string | | The label is above the input |
LabelComponent | element type | Typography | The component used for error message node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
LabelProps | object | | Passing props to the LabelComponent |
error | bool | false | If true, the value show will invalid from the start |
helperText | string | | The additional text is above the input |
HelperTextComponent | element type | Typography | The component used for error message node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
HelperTextProps | object | | Passing props to the HelperTextComponent |
errorMessage | string | | The error message of initial error |
ErrorMessageComponent | element type | Paper | The component used for error message container node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
ErrorMessageProps | object | | Passing props to the ErrorMessageComponent |
ErrorMessageTypographyComponent | element type | Typography | The component used for error message node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
ErrorMessageTypographyProps | object | | Passing props to the ErrorMessageTypographyComponent |
InputComponent | element type | TextBase | The component used for input node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
InputProps | object | | Passing props to the InputComponent |
disableButtonPaper | bool | false | If true, the Button paper won't show |
The ref
is forwarded to the root ContainerComponent element.
Just a wrapper that sets InputComponent to TextBase, but since this is the default setting in Input, this Wrapper was created just to adapt to the convention of creating other types of input fields.
The text type input base component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | string | | Value set to input node |
disabled | bool | false | If true, the component is disabled. |
onChange | function | | Fires when a change occurs. Its inputs (event, value) |
onBlur | function | | Fires when focus is lost. Its inputs (event, value) |
PaperComponent | element type | Paper | The component used for root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
PaperProps | object | | Passing props to the PaperComponent |
InputComponent | element type | 'input' | The component used for input node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
effect | function | | This function will be called back - when the component mounted - with an {actions} input that contains actions.setValue(value) and actions.getValue() |
minRows | number | 4 | If the InputComponent is textarea , this sets the minimum height of the area |
maxRows | number | minRows | If the InputComponent is textarea , this sets the maximum height of the area |
The ref
is forwarded to the input node.
A wrapper that sets InputComponent to SelectBase.
The select component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | array | | Initial selected values |
menu | array | | These are the options that MenuComponent will show. Its items have to label and value property {label:'Label', value:1} |
multiple | bool | false | If true, multiple selection will be enabled |
disabled | bool | false | If true, the component is disabled. |
placeholder | string | | If the value array is empty, it shows this text |
onChange | function | | Fires when a change occurs. Its inputs (event, value) |
onBlur | function | | Fires when focus is lost. Its inputs (event, value) |
PaperComponent | element type | Paper | The component used for root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
PaperProps | object | | Passing props to the PaperComponent |
MenuComponent | element type | Menu | The component used for menu node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
MenuProps | object | | Passing props to the MenuComponent |
endIcon | node | | Replace default end icon |
OpenedStateIcon | element type | | Use the default close icon component, but change the child in the opened state |
ClosedStateIcon | element type | | Use the default close icon component, but change the child in the closed state |
checkbox | bool | false | If true, checkboxes are show up. |
checkboxIconToEnd | bool | false | If true, the checkbox icon set to endIcon |
getCheckboxIconButtonProps | function | | This function can be used to set the props of Button component of the checkbox icon. Its inputs ({defaultButtonProps, active, disabled, size, variant, color}) |
effect | function | | This function will be called back - when the component mounted - with an {actions} input that contains actions.setValue(value) and actions.getValue() |
The ref
is forwarded to the root PaperComponent node.
A wrapper that sets InputComponent to CheckboxBase.
The checkbox component.
Props of the
MenuBase component are also available.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | array | | Initial selected values |
menu | array | | These are the options that MenuComponent will show. Its items have to label and value property {label:'Label', value:1} |
multiple | bool | false | If true, multiple selection will be enabled |
disabled | bool | false | If true, the component is disabled. |
onChange | function | | Fires when a change occurs. Its inputs (event, value) |
onBlur | function | | This only exists here because of the common convention of other input components, if this is declare then onChange will not fire. Its inputs (event, value) |
Component | element type | MenuBase | The component used for root menu node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
checkboxIconToEnd | bool | false | If true, the checkbox icon set to endIcon |
getCheckboxIconButtonProps | function | | This function can be used to set the props of Button component of the checkbox icon. Its inputs ({defaultButtonProps, active, disabled, size, variant, color}) |
effect | function | | This function will be called back - when the component mounted - with an {actions} input that contains actions.setValue(value) and actions.getValue() |
The ref
is forwarded to the root Component node.
A wrapper that sets InputComponent to CheckboxBase.
The switch component.
Props of the
MenuBase component are also available.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | array | | Initial selected values |
menu | array | | These are the options that MenuComponent will show. Its items have to label and value property {label:'Label', value:1} |
multiple | bool | false | If true, multiple selection will be enabled |
disabled | bool | false | If true, the component is disabled. |
onChange | function | | Fires when a change occurs. Its inputs (event, value) |
onBlur | function | | This only exists here because of the common convention of other input components, if this is declare then onChange will not fire. Its inputs (event, value) |
Component | element type | MenuBase | The component used for root menu node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. |
switchIconToEnd | bool | false | If true, the checkbox icon set to endIcon |
getSwitchIconButtonProps | function | | This function can be used to set the props of Button component of the switch icon. Its inputs ({defaultButtonProps, active, disabled, size, variant, color}) |
getSwitchIconParentButtonProps | function | | This function can be used to set the props of parent Button component of the switch icon. Its inputs ({defaultButtonProps, active, disabled, size, variant, color}) |
effect | function | | This function will be called back - when the component mounted - with an {actions} input that contains actions.setValue(value) and actions.getValue() |
The ref
is forwarded to the root Component node.
Examples for Text
Add 'Error' text to show error message
Add 'Error' text to show error message
Add 'Error' text to show error message
Validation example
function isValidForText(value) {
const isError = (value === 'Error')
return {error: isError, errorMessage: isError ? 'Error message' : ''}
Example for sizes
Example with startIcon
and endIcon
const buttonProps = {
onClick: function (e, props) {
alert('click: '+ JSON.stringify(props))
href: '/Input'
Start icon
Additional text
function HelperTextComponentForTextArea({children, value, effect, changedEver, getFocus, validation, ...props}) {
const [_value, setValue] = useState(value)
if (effect) {
effect({actions: {
return ()=>{
if (effect) {
effect({actions: {
setValue: async ()=>{}
const isError = validation(_value, changedEver.current).error;
return (
{...changedEver.current ? {color: isError ? 'error' : undefined} : {}}
{!changedEver.current ? children : 'Count of characters: '+ ((_value?.length || 0).toString())}
function lengthTextarea(value, changedEver) {
const isError = (changedEver && !value?.length || changedEver && value?.length && value.length < 150 || changedEver && value?.length && value.length > 1500);
return {error: isError, errorMessage: isError ? 'Must be between 150 and 1500 characters long' : ''}
Enter a text of at least 150 characters
Examples for Select
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Selected option initially
Validation example
function isValidForSelect(value) {
const isError = (typeof value === 'object' && value.indexOf('Error') !== -1)
return {error: isError, errorMessage: isError ? 'Error message' : ''}
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Selected option initially
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Example with startIcon
and endIcon
const buttonProps = {
onClick: function (e, props) {
alert('click: '+ JSON.stringify(props))
href: '/Input'
Start icon
Select 'Error' option to show error message
End icon
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Enabled checkbox
function primaryCircle({active, disabled, color}) {
return {
color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color,
circle: true,
Multiple options
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Multiple options
Select 'Error' option to show error message
Examples for Checkbox
Validation example for checkboxes
function selectOne(value, changedEver) {
const isError = (changedEver && !value.length);
return {error: isError, errorMessage: isError ? 'Select one' : ''}
Multiple options
Multiple options
Additional text
Multiple options, multiple select
Multiple options
You can choose more than one
Selected initially
Selected initally
Additional text
Selected initally
Additional text
Custom style for checkbox icon: primary color
function primaryCheckbox({active, disabled, color}) {
return {color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color}
Multiple options
You can choose more than one
Custom style for checkbox icon: radio
function radioButtons({active}) {
return {
circle: true,
icon: active ?
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="11" fill={"currentColor"}/>
: <SvgIcon />,
Multiple options
Select one
Checkbox icon to end
function primaryCircle({active, disabled, color}) {
return {
color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color,
circle: true,
Multiple options
You can choose more than one
Custom checkbox icon with button EndIconContainerComponent
function CustomCheckbox({children, active, disabled, color, size, variant, ...props}) {
const defaultButtonProps = {
Component: 'div',
size: 'checkbox-'+(size.split('-')[1]),
variant: 'contained',
icon: active ? <DoneIcon /> : <SvgIcon />,
color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color,
circle: true,
style: {
transition: 'none',
padding: 'calc(var(--digby-paper-padding-y)/2) calc(var(--digby-paper-padding-x)/2)'
return (
<div {...props} className={clsx(classNames.customCheckbox)}>
<Button {...defaultButtonProps} />
div[theme][mode] .customCheckbox > *, div[theme][mode] div.customCheckbox > div[active] {
/*noinspection CssUnresolvedCustomProperty*/
--digby-button-box-shadow: var(--digby-shadow-checkbox);
Multiple options
You can choose more than one
Custom MenuItemComponent
div[theme][mode] .customMenuItemInputContainer {
/*noinspection CssUnresolvedCustomProperty*/
border-radius: calc(calc(20px * var(--digby-paper-border-radius-multiplier, 1)) + 2px);
padding: calc(var(--digby-paper-padding-x)) calc(var(--digby-paper-padding-x));
--digby-custom-menu-item-input-container-padding: var(--digby-paper-padding-x);
div[theme][mode] .customMenuItemInputContainer2 {
/*noinspection CssUnresolvedCustomProperty*/
--digby-custom-menu-item-input-container-padding: var(--digby-paper-padding-x);
.customMenuItem {
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding: 2px;
/*noinspection CssUnresolvedCustomProperty*/
border-radius: calc(calc(20px * var(--digby-paper-border-radius-multiplier, 1)) + 2px);
border-style: none;
box-shadow: none;
margin-bottom: calc(var(--digby-custom-menu-item-input-container-padding) / 2);
/*noinspection ALL*/
@container digby-container-root (max-width: 991px) {
.customMenuItem {
padding: 1px;
border-radius: calc(calc(20px * var(--digby-paper-border-radius-multiplier, 1)) + 1px);
.customMenuItem:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
/*noinspection ALL*/
div[theme][mode] .customMenuItem > * {
--digby-paper-border-radius: calc(20px * var(--digby-paper-border-radius-multiplier, 1));
min-height: calc(80px * var(--digby-paper-padding-multiplier, 1));
div[theme][mode] .customMenuItem > *, div[theme][mode] .customMenuItem > div[active], div[theme][mode] .customMenuItem > div:hover {
/*noinspection CssUnresolvedCustomProperty*/
--digby-button-box-shadow: var(--digby-shadow-checkbox);
function CustomMenuItem(props) {
const colorContext = useContext(ColorContext)
const {
color = colorContext.color,
} = props;
const buttonRef = useRef();
const [_active, setActive] = useState(active);
useEffect(() => {
if (active !== _active) {
}, [active])
if (effect && buttonRef.current) {
actions: {
setActive: async (value)=>{
await setActive(value)
return ()=>{
...buttonRef.current ? buttonRef.current : {},
actions: {
...buttonRef.current.actions ? buttonRef.current.actions : {},
setActive: ()=>{}
return (
..._active ? {} : {background: 'transparent'}
return (
buttonRef.current = p;
Multiple options
Select one
Multiple options
Select one
Examples for Switch
Validation example for switches
function switchOne(value, changedEver) {
const isError = (changedEver && !value.length);
return {error: isError, errorMessage: isError ? 'Switch one' : ''}
Custom styles
function primarySwitch({active, disabled, color}) {
return {color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color}
function primarySwitchCircle({active, disabled, color}) {
return {
color: disabled ? 'disabled' : active ? 'primary' : color,
circle: true,
function switchParentCircle({className}) {
return {
circle: true,
className: clsx(className, classNames.switchParentCircle)
div[theme][mode] .switchParentCircle {
aspect-ratio: auto;
border-radius: calc(((var(--digby-paper-padding-x)) * 2 + 1em) * 1.9);
Custom style
Additional text
Custom style
Additional text