
The Button component builds on the Paper, Color and Container components for component


Props of the Paper | Color | Container components are also available.
childrennodeThe content of the component.
Componentelement typeThe component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
colorstring - default, paper1, paper2, ...theme colorspaper1The color to use from presets of the theme
sizestring - none, small, appbar, default, large, extra-largeappbarSet padding from presets were specified in the theme.
stickyClassNamestringdefault className for stickyAdd this className to element style classList instead of default className when the appBar is sticky
stickyRemoveClassNamestringRemove this className from element style classList when the appBar is sticky
The ref is forwarded to the root Paper element.


Custom sticky style
.customStickyStyle { box-shadow: var(--digby-shadow-color) var(--digby-shadow-24); }
Custom sticky style use global componentsStyle, remove default color with stickyRemoveClassName and add sticky color with stickyClassName.
const themeContext = useContext(ThemeContext); const {componentsStyle} = themeContext; const stickyClassNameForPaper1AppBar = clsx( componentsStyle['color-paper2'] ); const stickyRemoveClassNameForPaper1AppBar = clsx( componentsStyle['color-paper1'], )
Same just with gradient.
const themeContext = useContext(ThemeContext); const {componentsStyle} = themeContext; const stickyClassNameForPrimaryAppBar = clsx( componentsStyle['color-primary-hover'], ); const stickyRemoveClassNameForPrimaryAppBar = clsx( componentsStyle['color-primary'], )