DIGBY-UI is a React based UI kit for DIGBY Design


This is not an open source package, it is not released for npm, so digby-monorepo is required to use it
  • First clone digby-monorepo. In the monorepo, the src folder is set to resolve the packages:
{ "workspaces": [ "packages/*", "src/*" ] }
  • Install dependencies
yarn install
  • Create your own package in /src folder, eg: /src/my-package
import Button from 'digby-ui/dist/common/src/components/Button'
  • Import a component


If you want to develop the digby-ui package, you can do it in the following way.

System requirements

  • NodeJs runnability

Scripts for digby-ui

Start - this script starts the DIGBY-UI-WEB package, which contains the documentation, it can be used during development.
npm run "digby-ui start"
Build - this command builds digby-ui
npm run "digby-ui build"
Clean - this command flushes digby-ui
npm run "digby-ui clean"

Build and start

After the "build" script is run, wapplr-cli creates a distribution version to "dist" folder. The contents of the dist/common/src/ folder can be used by other packages in the src folder - as mentioned above.